17 Jan 2013

Easter Chocolate- Why Does It Taste SO Good?

I remember reading something in the Metro that stores like Tesco were stocking Easter eggs way back in November, or at least after Boxing Day- in response to 'Customer Demand' to 'spread the cost'! 

 Holy mackerel! Are these Fabergé eggs?

 There has to be something said though for Easter chocolate. Why is Easter Chcolate so good compared to normal chocolate? 

My (inexpert and top of the head) theories:

a) It's free and gifted
b) The egg shape is satisfying to the mouth
c) Crunchy shells on mini eggs satisfy primal urges
d) It melts quicker, making us feel like very hot, sexy people.

 As I say, I'm no expert - except for that BA in Chocolate Studies, thanks, Sheffield Hallam, but Easter Chocolate is defo something to look forward to. I usually get some gifts as well as chocolate, usually because i'm on a diet.

 I remember reading on xanga - remember that!- a thinspo blog about a girl who literally unwrapped all her Easter chocs and flushed them down the loo.

 What a waste! (The marshmallows wouldn't flush, which was why it stuck in my mind. Fluffy bunnies indeed!)

 What do you guys do- buy real gifts or chocolate- or none at all? Are you an egg munching atheist? I am, and there's no shame here! 

 Tell me your thoughts xxx

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